Student associations
Palacký University Christian Fellowship (PUCF)
We are international students who meet together in small groups to read and study the Bible each week at venues including Faculty Hospital (Fakultní nemocnice), the dorms at Neředín and in the town centre. We plan to host events during the year, including talks on medical ethics (looking at ethical debates currently in the news and the Christian perspective). Social events might include movie nights, concerts, picnics and day trips outside of Olomouc. If you would like to join us, or are interested in meeting up to find out more about what the Bible teaches, please contact us - we would love to hear from you. Please 'like' our Facebook page to receive information about events that we host.
Contacts: Ayay Akol (ayayadakol@hotmail.com) and Mun Yee Ng (munyee930608@gmail.com)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/palackyuniversitychristianfellowship
Meetings: Friday nights and other times during the semester