Internships abroad
If you decide to do your internship abroad
you will need to arrange for an "Agreement on the Provision of a Student Internship" to be signed by the respective hospital/medical facility, where you are looking to do your internship.
This agreement is concluded between
- the faculty
- the hospital and
- the student
E-mail jana.osmani@upol.cz or petra.nakladalova@upol.cz for a scanned copy of this contract already signed by the Vice-Dean, fill out your personal details, sign it, scan it, and send it to the hospital, where you are arranging your internship.
Make sure the Study Department receives a copy signed by the hospital BEFORE the start of your internship.
Once you complete your internship, make sure you get a certificate, confirming the completion of such internship. You can either use our Certificate of Internship, or have the hospital issue their own certificate, provided that the same information as stated on the Certificate of Internship is included.
Should a respective department from the Faculty Hospital in Olomouc require for you to apply for an internship abroad, you can use this Application for Internship Abroad
Financial contribution from the Faculty
If your internship outside the Czech Republic lasts at least 30 days, you may utilise a financial contribution from the faculty, amounting up to EUR 1,000. The contribution will be awarded based on your CGPA as follows:
CGPA 1.0 - 1.50 - EUR 1,000
CGPA 1.51 - 2.30 - EUR 500
CGPA 2.31 and above - EUR 250
Only internships, which are required by the curriculum can be considered for the contribution.
The contribution will be paid out upon completion of your internship.
Please note that this amount will only be paid out once during the entire time of your studies.
Applications for the contribution must be submitted to the Study Department by 15th October 2018.