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Palacký University

Student life in Olomouc


Olomouc sits in the gently rolling, fertile basin of the Morava River, in central Moravia, which forms the eastern Czech Republic. Near Olomouc lie the Jeseníky Mountains, which boast good quality skiing, hiking and camping. The climate is quite mild, averaging 25 degrees Celsius in summer and 0 in winter.

The town of Olomouc - the fifth largest town in the Czech Republic - lies in the center of Moravia. This town of about 100,000 inhabitants situated on the River Morava is a traditional trade and transport hub. Olomouc became the natural center of an area known for centuries as the Haná region. The region is famous for its agriculture, light industry and beautiful countryside as well as for its historical and cultural traditions. The center of Olomouc is surrounded by a ring of colorful parks and the remains of medieval city walls. It was proclaimed a protected conservation area by the state a number of years ago. Recently, the Holy Trinity Column, the largest Baroque sculptural complex in this country (1754) was classified as a UNESCO monument.
Many students may be unfamiliar with the Czech Republic, its amenities and life style. They will soon discover that the home of Palacký University, Olomouc, provides the amenities found in other Western cities of similar size. Those items and services that cannot be found here can be obtained in Prague or Vienna, both located within the distance of three-hour train journeys. The cost of living in Olomouc is much lower than in other Western cities. Prices for individual goods and services vary, but on the whole the cost of living in 2001 was about one third that of a similarly sized city in the United States. It is recommended that students budget approximately 3000 EUR for living expenses for the academic year (ten months). This estimate does not include the price of books and other educational materials. Public transportation throughout the Czech Republic is highly developed and quite inexpensive. It may be easily utilized to take in the incredible wealth of history, architecture, and beautiful landscapes of the Czech nation. Public transportation (tram, bus) in Olomouc corresponds fully to students' needs.

Housing and meals

The University provides accommodation in the University halls of residence (cca 90 EUR/month). All resident buildings contain recreation areas, TV, internet, study rooms and cooking facilities. Lunch or dinner in the student cafeteria cost about 1–2 EUR. In Olomouc it is easy to rent a flat (two rooms and a kitchen) for about 300–350 EUR/month.

Sports facilities

Students have fitness and training centers available to them. They may also become members of university teams and make use of other university facilities, especially those at the Faculty of Physical Culture. It should be noted that athletics play an important part in student life at Palacký University. The Faculty of Physical Culture boasts extensive opportunities for recreation and competitive sports. The University owns a large sports hall, which is available for use by all students. Students may also use municipal sports facilities, e.g. a fifty-meter swimming pool and two an ice skating rinks. An excellent ski resort is located less than one hour's driving distance north of Olomouc. Olomouc also offers good opportunities for those who enjoy watching competitions. Local teams play first league volleyball, handball, and football (soccer).

Cultural life

For a town of its size, the opportunities for social and cultural activities in Olomouc are extraordinarily rich. The town's architecture is generally acclaimed to be second only to Prague's. As the former capital of Moravia, Olomouc has a rich cultural environment of which it can rightfully be proud. Olomouc hosts the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra, the Moravian Theatre, (which presents plays, ballet, and operas), the Art Museum, and the Regional Museum. Four cinemas, several local FM radio stations, and two town newspapers serve the region. For further activities and cultural exploration, Prague, Vienna, and Krakow lie within relatively easy striking distance.

See also: Student associations


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Last update: 24. 08. 2015, Daniel Agnew