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Lékařská fakulta UP

Questions in radiology for medical students

1. Contrast media; complications associated with their application
2. Radiology of the skeletal system: the normal appearance, the pathologic changes in general
3. Skeletal trauma: radiological appearance, healing and complications of fractures
4. Inflamatory changes of bones and joints
5. Degenerative disease of the joints
6. Radiodiagnostics of bone tumors
7. Radiodiagnostics of diseases in the neck region
8. Imaging methods used in the investigation of the respiratory system: the normal findings
9. Radiodiagnostics of inflamatory diseases of the lung and the bronchi
10. Radiodiagnostics of pulmonary tuberculosis and pneumoconioses
11. Radiodiagnostics of tumors of the lung and pleura
12. Radiodiagnostics of the mediastinum
13. Radiodiagnostics of the heart: the normal findings
14. Radiodiagnostics of heart diseases
15. Radiodiagnostics of pulmonary edema and pulmonary embolism
16. Radiogiagnostics of diseases of the arteries
17. Radiogiagnostics of diseases of the veins and the lymphatics
18. Angiography: the technique, indications and complications
19. Noninvasive imaging of the vessels (ultrasound, MRA)
20. Imaging methods used in the investigation of the gastrointestinal tract:
the normal appearance and pathology in general
21. Endovacular interventional methods
22. Interventional radiology: nonvascular methods
23. Radiodiagnostics of diseases of the esophagus and stomach
24. Radiodiagnostics of small and large bowel diseases
25. Radiodiagnostics of the acute abdomen
26. Radiodiagnostics of diseases of the pankreas and spleen
27. Radiodiagnostics of diseases of the liver and billiary system
28. Imaging methods used in the investigation of the urinary system
29. Radiodiagnostics of renal diseases
30. Radiodiagnostics of the organs in the lesser pelvis
31. Radiodiagnostics of breast diseases
32. Imaging methods used in neuroradiology
33. Sonography: the basics of the technique and important indications
34. Sonography of the abdomen
35. CT: the basics of the technique and important indications
36. CT of the head: the indications and the common pathological appearances
37. CT of the chest and abdomen: indications and the common pathological findings
38. Magnetic resonance: MRI, MRA, MRS
39. MRI of the brain and spine
40. Pediatric radiology


Zpravodajství z UP
Stránka aktualizována: 17. 06. 2011, Tomas Kopecny