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The attention of the scientific staff of the Department of Physiology of Medical Faculty of Palacky University is focused on the study of carbohydrate metabolism in healthy men and in the patients with diabetes mellitus type I. and II.

With collaboration others institutes and the clinics of the Medical Faculty and University hospital they devote mainly the study of the glycemic index as of the various foods, and also study the importance of continual self-monitoring of the glycemia for understanding of the metabolic processes in the persons with diabetes mellitus. Examined problems have great importance for clinical practice.

The students of postgraduate study and pregraduate students take part in the realization this studies. The Department of Physiology of the Medical Faculty of the Palacky University collaborates with Gerhardt Katsch Institute of the diabetology in Karlsburg in BRD.


PhD program

Department of Physiology has a valid accreditation for doctoral degree program in the field of normal and Pathological Physiology.

PhD students:

MUDr. Vít Perlín
Theme: Pharmacointervention in development of pathophysiology of fever.

MUDr. Eva Elšíková
Theme: Glucose variability during the day and night in healthy man and on the persons with diabetes type 1. and 2.

MUDr. Iveta Poljaková
Theme: Continual monitoring of the glucose concentration in ISF and carbohydrate metabolism evaluaiton.



Zpravodajství z UP
Stránka aktualizována: 09. 09. 2011, Tomas Kopecny