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Database of McRAPD results

Following links will allow you to download melting curves/profiles obtained with our optimised McRAPD protocol in different yeast species recovered frequently from clinical samples. Relatedness of your isolate to each of the species included in our database can be evaluated either simply visually, or using a mathematical approach included e.g. in our software tool. In case more clearly distinct McRAPD genotypes were differentiated in some of the species examined, these are listed separately and included in our database as genotype A, genotype B ...etc., based on their frequency in our settings.

Melting curves are available in Excel spreadsheet for the following species, where enough strains were processed for valid identification:

In some cases we continue gathering data for some of the rare species in a follow-up study and the data available in the moment are not entirely satisfactorily to provide for a reliable type curve. In case you are interested in such data despite a warranty disclaimer, please contact us by e-mail, we will provide them up-to-date accompanied with an appropriate comment.



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