Software for processing of McRAPD data
Our group has developed a software tool QAS for processing of McRAPD data. This tool has been developed for free use by the scientific community to facilitate futher development of McRAPD technique. It can be used and distributed as a freeware for research and educational purposes solely. For other purposes, specific agreement has to reached. It runs under Java, which has to be installed on your computer. This solution enables the tool to run on different platforms and also allows for smooth automated upgrade whenever a new version is released. Before downloading the software, please download the Manual.pdf (130 kB) and read the "Introduction" and "How to install" chapters. Then, download and install the program from qas-1_9.zip file (237 kB).
QAS features (version 1.9)
- download of normalized HRMA data or first derivation of such data from a HR-1 Instrument (Idaho technology) and Rotor-Gene
- validation of entry data
- normalization of temperature points (necessary for automated comparison of different curves)
- generation of normalized data in csv format (universal for different spreadsheet software tools)
- generation of distance matrix representing quantitative differences between all pairs of melting curves (data) included in the processing
- the distance matrix is available as infile suitable for UPGMA or Neighbor-joining analysis e.g. by PHYLIP software package
- resulting tree data can be used to draw a dendrogram/phylogram
Other free tools recommend for subsequent analysis:
- Phylip software package to calculate tree data from distance matrix (inflie) - run the Phylip neighbour.exe executable file in the same directory with your infile, generated by QAS
- PhyloDraw - a phylogenetic tree drawing system to construct a phylogram/dendrogram, open outtree file generated by Phylip
- TreeView - a phylogenetic tree drawing system to construct a phylogram/dendrogram, open outtree file generated by Phylip